Mrs Wages Home Canning Guide

This guide contains chapters on canning equipment, selecting the right produce, water bath canning, steam pressure canning, pickles and jellies and jams. Illustrations make the directions and instructions easy to follow. This book makes a wonderful gift for the gardener or cooking enthusiast.
Discover secret recipes like the Minnesota State Fair Jam Winner, Red Ribbon Gooseberry Jam! "I love to make jams and jellies and sell at our neighborhood farmer's market in St. Paul. I go pick the berries at local farms as they come into season. It was the first time I entered the fair and it's so exciting!" - Marc Eaton, Winner
ISBN 978-0-964-90671-6, 160 pages, Soft Cover, contains tips for first time canners, the basics and methods of canning, equipment you need, solutions for common problems
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