Presto Professional Pressure Cooker 8 Quart Stainless Steel
Price: 86.99

Our Number - Opc01370
One question that we get asked a lot is:
"You can use a pressure canner for cooking, however you CANNOT use a pressure cooker for canning. Why not? Is it size? Or pressure?"
We want to share with you our answer, to help you better understand the difference between a pressure cooker and a pressure canner.
One part of the difference is size (it would be very hard to fit certain jars in a pressure cooker). However, from our experience, what information we can find, and stories from our customers: the main issue of not being able to can in a pressure cooker is that the pressure cooker heats up and cools faster than a pressure canner does. This quick heating and cooling does not allow adequate processing time for your cans to go through the proper process inside of a pressure cooker. This absence of the proper process could ultimately lead to problems with botulism in your canned goods.